What to do with all of that extra zucchini?
We aren't too far into squash season yet, but at some point the family doesn't want to see another zucchini, even if you do hide it into a delicious loaf of bread. Last night I mixed it up with a zucchini cole slaw. My husband, who is not a huge zucchini fan, went in for seconds.
Fresh Veggies
2 zucchini, 1 red pepper, 1 red onion, 2 carrots
Thinly slice all veggies
- I used the peeler for the carrots to make them softer, depends on how much crunch you're going for.
For the sauce
Mix mayo and apple cider vinegar. Do this to taste, I believe my portion was either a 4 or 5 to 1 (mayo:vinegar). Add salt, pepper to taste and a dash of celery seed. I also added a dash of cumin to go with the smoky flavor of the BBQ chicken pizza we had with it.

Bubbles and Squeak
This is a great way to use a mix of your late spring veggies.
Veggies used: potatoes, onion, carrots, brussel sprouts
Boil potatoes and brussel sprout halves in water or chicken broth.
Finely dice onions and carrots and cook in olive oil until soft. Season with salt and pepper while cooking.
Once potatoes are soft and brussel sprouts have lost their leaves, drain. (You can reserve the chicken broth if you used it).
Add whole potatoes to onions and carrots and mash right in, along with butter, salt, pepper to taste.
Add brussel sprout leaves. I left out the centers this time, but feel free to add them.
Stir and serve.
I served mine with a side of turkey smoked sausage. Yum!