Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bug Battles

This weekend I've been battling two bugs, the leaf-footed bug and the dreaded squash-vine borer. The squash vine borer took out half of my zucchini several weeks ago, but had not been near the pumpkin. I read that they prefer other squash to pumpkins, so I was hoping mine would go untouched. Unfortunately, no such luck. I did have SVBs take out pumpkins in the same bed last year, so there is always the chance that these came from an overwintering pupae. Just in case, I plan on avoiding pumpkins next year, since I only have one spot to plant 30 sq ft :) 

We're still getting tons of zucchini, so I'm happy with my little survivers. I check for SVB eggs several times a week and still find one or two each time. I'm just waiting for the day that they get past me and I lose another plant. In the meantime I'm just eating, sharing and attempting the zucchini world record. (completely by accident of course).

I've found the leaf-footed bugs on both my tomatoes an the pumpkins. They seem to prefer the romas. I believe it is because they have more places to hide. I killed about 10 yesterday. I kept a watchful eye for several hours, waiting for them to emerge. I even discovered two mating, which I put a quick stop to. The ones on the pumpkins are a lot easier to see. 

Leaf-Footed Bug Nymph

I'm not to the point where I can squash a nasty bug w/ my bare hands, so here's my weapon of choice. I grab the bug with the tongs, throw it on the ground and smash it with my shoe. 

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